Tuesday, September 20, 2005

My high-tech oven

Did you know you can bake in an old kerosene drum? Yes, it’s true. Paul made me a drum oven from a kerosene drum and sheet metal. It works beautifully, and I have made pizza, bread, and banana cake in my drum oven already. The trick is to keep the fire going nicely under the oven while you bake without too much smoke blowing in your face. (Heidi watched our wasmama

manage her fire and quickly perfected the art!)


Anonymous said...

Move over Martha Stewart! Heidi, look at you go! Great job on the stove Paul. You guys are such naturals.

We Love You.
We Miss You.

Ken,Sally & Keigan

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys!
Great to see updates. Heidi Im impressed I cant even cook on a normal stove. haha. We all miss and love you guys tons. No real youth updates. Cam moved out of his parents house and in with Cory (the old youth leader). Youth worship team is starting up again. Other then that, just the same old. I am teaching sunday school and bible study and still doing jr youth and now doing a welcome team thing. Its awesome. But not the same without you guys here. But your close at heart.

Love you guys tons.


Anonymous said...


You look fantastic in that picture. Good job on perfecting cooking in your new high tech oven.


elnellis said...

how did the cake turn out?
can i say i am so proud of you

the sista in law

Anonymous said...

Hi Paul and Heidi,

You guys should go on the show Survivor. Ya I'm watching it again and yes I'm a sucker for those kind of shows. I guess I'm just easily amused.

aunt lo