Monday, September 26, 2005

3 day hike postponed

We were supposed to leave this morning (Monday) for our 3 day hike. Then at 8:00, an hour before we were to leave, we were called to the office, and informed that we would not be going on the hike, because 16 convicts had escaped from the local penitentiary on Saturday night and it is not safe to be hiking around the bush at this point. We had all been excited and ready to head out, all our packs were ready to go, so we were all more than a little disappointed, but also understood the very good reasons for not going.

After some discussion between the staff, it has now been decided that we will hike in a different area, starting tomorrow. Some of the workmen, the director, Paul and another orientee have gone out to survey the new hike, and let the people in the villages along the way know that we would love to visit with them and sleep on their verandas on the nights we’ll be hiking. So we are hoping this new plan will work out, and that we’ll be heading out on our hike tomorrow. Please pray for safety, health, and a chance to connect with the Papua New Guineans that we’ll meet along the way.

Update again: We leave this morning!!! (Tuesday, Sept. 27)


Anonymous said...

We have been praying for you guys at life group! I am glad that God is taking good care of you guys!
Miss you more than I could explain.

elnellis said...

only 16 convicts? you can take 'em paul!

Ken & Sally said...

As always, we'll be praying for your safety.
Are you guys able to open up the websites we sent to view picts?

Love you.