Monday, June 21, 2010

What I'll miss...

Girls in Dresses

Here in PNG, the most culturally appropriate attire for a female is a
dress or skirt. So naturally, Ada usually wears a dress every day,
which is fine with her, because it's all she's known. I know that
once we're back in Canada she will be wearing pants and shorts as
well, but I think there's something extra sweet and feminine about a
girl in a cute dress.


Anonymous said...

oh my goodness dearest ada you have grown up in the last few months! beautiful. we can't wait to play with you. tia ruthie

Anonymous said...

I, too, am surprised how big Ada is now! She was only a baby when we had lunch together here in my kitchen.

Heidi, I too agree with you that there is a feeling of sweetness, maybe innocence and romance, about a girl in a long dress.

Your in Canada now, may God give you all the love, support and encouragement you need as He continues to take care of your family.

Anonymous said...

oh, Heidi,

The last comment was from me, Coreen, in Airdrie.