Monday, June 21, 2010

What I'll miss...

Girls in Dresses

Here in PNG, the most culturally appropriate attire for a female is a
dress or skirt. So naturally, Ada usually wears a dress every day,
which is fine with her, because it's all she's known. I know that
once we're back in Canada she will be wearing pants and shorts as
well, but I think there's something extra sweet and feminine about a
girl in a cute dress.

Wednesday, June 09, 2010


Here's Jane, helping Daddy pack some suitcases for the trip home to

beauty parlor

A few days ago I decided to have some fun with Ada, and painted her
toe nails for the first time. She immediately wanted her finger nails
done too. I agreed.
Next she decided that I should also have my toe nails painted - by her.
I conceded and let her go to it.

I think I ended up with more polish on my toes than on my toe nails,
but it was worth it to give my little girl some fun. It makes me look
forward to many many more mommy-daughter bonding times together.

What I'll miss...

Nothing but a Nappy...

Living in a tropical climate year round means lighter clothing.
Especially for Jane, who's wardrobe most days consists of a diaper,
and that's it. I will miss seeing my chubby little girl in her diaper
all day - so cute!