We welcomed Jane into the world at 03:36 am December 2. She weighed 7 lb 14 oz. After a couple of hours in the NICU for observation, she was released back to us on the regular maternity unit. The birth was attended by her proud daddy and her Grandma Krause, who got a new grand-daughter on her birthday! We are all at home and doing well.
Congratulations!! Have been checking here regularly, hoping for this post to come soon! God bless you guys as you raise both Jane & Ada for His glory!
She is beautiful and looks very healthy. Glad to hear that all went well. We have been praying for the safe arrival of your new baby. Praise God for this gift and many blessings to you and your family.
cant wait to kiss her on the top of her little head!
Yay, yay, yay!!! Congrats Hursts! Heidi, you look fabulous & miss Jane is so precious! Glad to hear she is doing well. Hooray for girls, makes for easier packing keeping the kiddos all the same sex! Too bad we can't have a little playdate with all the girlies. Enjoy these first days! Man, I forgot how great newborns are they just sleep and eat, so mellow and opposite of the older ones! Love ya!
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