Saturday, June 17, 2006

My favorite Papua New Guinean

I wanted to show off some photos of my favorite Papua New Guinean, Benell.

He's about 6 months old now, and I get to see him almost every week at the
clinic for a club foot. His foot is better now, after casting it every week for
several months into the correct postion, and his mom has been doing excercises
with his foot. He won't need to come in to see us at the clinic much anymore,
and I will sure miss him. Hope you enjoy the photos of Benell, his beautiful mom Ame, and me.


Courtney and Jon said...

Oh my word. He is so cute, couldn't you just eat him? Obviously a figure of speech but he sure is adorable.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful photos. You look amazing too Heidi. It's hard for me to comprehend that I haven't seen you in almost one year. I guess I didn't see much of you when Jon and I were dating but...everytime I see a photo of you out there you seem to look better:)
Can't wait to see you.

rachel joy said...

You do look great, Heidi!
I found your site from a link from our dear friends, Reid & Brenda. It was great to catch up on your life. What a great adventure you are sharing with your Hubby. I'm so happy for the life God has given you.
I'll check your blog often to see more of what you're up to. Check out mine to see my sweet babes. Blogging is still a new hobby for me but the site will grow quickly.
Also, how do you make homemade yogurt? I'm looking for a good smoothie recipe. Is it one cup of whole strawberries? Looks yummy!


Your Grade 8 P.E. running buddy ...