On the weekend of April 15 we had the priviledge and joy of celebrating with the people from Kein (pronounced "cane"), the village where we did village living, as they dedicated the New Testament in their language. We hiked out to the village the day before the dedication and spent the day visiting with our village family. The next day was a day of celebration, singing, dancing, and speeches. It was special for us to see people that we have grown to love here in Papua New Guinea receive God's Word in their heart language.

1: Heidi receives a warm greeting from her village grandma
2: Traditional dancing and singing
3: Our village Papa & Grandma with their copies of the Kein NewTestament
4: Paul & Heidi with the village kids
I dislike cliches, but this one rings true: A picture is worth a thousand words. I have been enjoying reading/seeing what is going on in your world. Blessings to you both!
Leenis (CJ)
Can you believe that it's almost May!? Wow. I just have to say that i apprecate a culture that celebrates the important things in life. What an enriching experience & wonderful pace of living!
Keeping you in our prayers,
Derek & Tamara
Heidi, could you be any cuter? That dark hair and red top sure stand out.
aunt lo
What a great set of pictures - as usual! But this was fun to see a celebration like that. Somehow, our culture needs to be more demonstrative and celebrative! We miss you and look forward to seeing you again. Our love and prayers continue to be with you. I have put your letters and some pictures on our bulletin board at church. Love, Jean and Steve
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